Developing and Using Multimedia Effectively for Cirebonese Language Learning

Abstract This study employs the research and development model of Borg & Gall and Dick & Carey involving students of SMPN 4 Kota Cirebon. This study aims to develop and using effectively multimedia Cirebonese language learning for the junior high school of the eleventh-grade students. To find out the results of the content of multimedia, instructional design and instructional media experts validation were conducted. In addition, individual, group, and field try-out were conducted. The try-out process involved the experts of Cirebonese language media and instructional design. It also involved 6 students for an individual (one to one) try-out, 15 students for group, and 34 students for the field try-out. The results showed, first, because t, 3,0569E-18 or = 3.0569 x 10–18 smaller than t-table at a significance level (α) amounted to 2.034515 0.05, it rejects Ho and accepts Ha. It can be concluded that the Cirebonese language learning using developed instructional multimedia is effective in improving students’ learning outcomes.