Special issue on noisy text analytics
Noisy unstructured text data are ubiquitous in real-world communications. Text produced by processing signals intended for human interpretation, such as printed and handwritten documents, spontaneous speech, and cameracaptured scene images, are prime examples. Application of Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR) systems on telephonic conversations between call center agents and customers often see 30–40% word error rates. Optical character recognition (OCR) error rates for hardcopy documents can range widely from 2–3% for clean inputs to 50% or higher depending on the quality of the page image, the complexity of the layout, and aspects of the typography. Unconstrained handwriting recognition is still considered to be largely an open problem. Recognition errors are not the sole source of noise; natural language and its creative usage can cause problems for computational techniques. Electronic text taken directly from the Internet (emails, message boards, newsgroups, blogs, wikis, chat logs, and web pages), contact centers (customer complaints, emails, call transcriptions, message summaries), and mobile phones (text messages) is often very noisy and challenging to process. Spelling errors, abbreviations,