Breadline Europe: The Measurement of Poverty

Introduction: the measurement of poverty in Europe Peter Townsend and David Gordon Part One: Resolving poverty: the need for a scientific consensus on concept and measurement: The international build up: poverty and the spirit of the time Jacques Baudot Reducing poverty: the implications of the 1995 Copenhagen Agreement for research on poverty John Langmore Measuring absolute and overall poverty David Gordon Absolute and overall poverty: a European history and proposal for measurement David Gordon, Christina Pantazis and Peter Townsend Women and poverty: a new research methodology Elisabetta Ruspini Horses for discourses: poverty, purpose and closure in minimum income standards policy John Veit-Wilson Poverty, inequality and health BjOrn HallerOd Part Two: European analysis of poverty and social exclusion: Poverty in Finland and Europe Markku Lindqvist Poverty and affluence in Ireland: a comparison of income and deprivation approaches to the measurement of poverty Richard Layte, Brian Nolan and Christopher Whelan Child poverty in comparative perspective Jonathan Bradshaw Poverty and the poor in Central and Eastern Europe Ludmila Dziewiecka-Bokun Poverty in Hungary and in Central and Eastern Europe Zsuzsa Ferge Measurement and definitions of poverty in Russia Simon Clarke What is social exclusion? Ruth Levitas Social exclusion: concepts and evidence Tania Burchardt Trajectories of social exclusion: the wider context for the third and first worlds Graham Room Conclusion Peter Townsend and David Gordon.