On the Origin and Suddenness of Absences in Genetic Absence Models

The origin of spike-wave discharges (SWDs), typical for absences, has been debated for at least half a century. While most classical views adhere to a thalamic oscillatory machinery and an active role of the cortex in modifying normal oscillations into pathological SWDs, recent studies in genetic models such as WAG/Rij and GAERS rats have challenged this proposal. It seems now well established that SWDs originate from the deep layers of the somatosensory cortex, that the activity quickly spreads over the cortex and invades the thalamus. The reticular thalamic nucleus and other thalamic nuclei provide a resonance circuitry for the amplification, spreading and entrainment of the SWDs. Conclusive evidence has been found that the changed functionality of HCN1 channels is a causative factor for the changes in local excitability and age-dependent increase in SWD. Furthermore, upregulation of two subtypes of Na+ channels, reduction of GABAB and mGlu 2/3 receptors might also play a role in the local increased excitability in WAG/Rij rats. Signal analytical studies have also challenged the view that SWDs occur suddenly from a normal background EEG. SWDs are recruited cortical responses and they develop from increasing associations within and between cortical layers and subsequently subcortical regions, triggered by the simultaneous occurrence of theta and delta precursor activity in the cortex and thalamus in case both structures are in a favorable condition, and increased directional coupling between cortex and thalamus. It is hypothesized that the cortex is the driving force throughout the whole SWD and is also responsible for its end.

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