Modulation Procedure in Bahasa Translation of U.S. History

The use of modulation procedure in translation is inevitable since the structures and the different point of view of each language are different. This also happens in the translation of a text from English to Bahasa, specially in the translation of history book. Therefore, the researcher is interested in analyzing the modulation procedure in translation of U.S. History to Bahasa by Michelle Anugrah. The research problem are formulated as follows: 1) what types of modulation occurs in Bahasa translation of U.S.History? 2) in what units of modulation procedure occur in Bahasa translation of U.S. History? This research used qualitative descriptive method. Data are U.S. History and its translation in Bahasa. The researcher collected data by using textual analysis on the data themselves. In analyzing the data, this research analyzed the types of modulation procedure in Bahasa translation based on Vinay and Darbelnet theory (2000:89). In this research, the researcher found two types of modulation procedures in translating U.S. History into Bahasa translation. They are fixed modulation and free modulation. In addition, the researcher also found 35 units in level of word, 11 units in level of phrase, and 4 units in level of sentence which are translated using fixed modulation procedure. Meanwhile, in units of free modulation, it was found that 28 units occurred in level of word, 17 units in level of phrase, and 5 units in level of sentence.