Book Review: Building High-Performance Teams (2nd ed.)

Business Communication Quarterly, Volume 69, Number 4, Decem © 2006 by the Association for Business Communication THE SECOND EDITION of Debbie D. D Lehman’s Building High-Performance Teams is about team development. It is aimed at anyo team member or become involved in a team-b to-follow chapter organization and writing styl for college students as well as organizational also serves as a good foundation on team bu practitioners. The authors walk readers thro development and anticipate some of its hur characteristics and common feelings and beha The authors have organized the book into five projects. Except for the first project, in w overview of the team development process, ea of team development: forming, storming, no Each project concludes with activity sections. the authors describe a scenario typical of one ular stage of team development. They also de tend to arise in that stage and offer ways to ta What the authors should have avoided development stages is giving readers the im that are typical of particular stages will ma groups. For example, in discussing stormin seem as though some behaviors are unavoidab tient with the team’s lack of progress and BOOK REVIEWS