Mutations disrupting the ordering and topographic mapping of axons in the retinotectal projection of the zebrafish, Danio rerio.
H. Baier | C. Nüsslein-Volhard | S. Klostermann | B. Grunewald | M. Granato | R. Karlstrom | T. Trowe | F. Bonhoeffer | B. Müller | A. D. Crawford | H. Hoffmann | S. Meyer | S. Richter | Herwig Baier | Stefan Klostermann | Rolf O. Karlstrom | Friedrich Bonhoeffer | Michael Granato | Torsten Trowe | Alexander D. Crawford | Barbara Grunewald | Heike Hoffmann | Stefan U. Meyer | Bernhard K. Müller | Sandra Richter