ICT 융합 기반 교통시스템 혁신방안

This study demonstrates an innovative strategy for transportation systems based on information and communication technology (ICT) convergence, which provide a basis for national policies in transport services compatible with the presidential paradigm of creative economy. A national policy for creative economy has been provided by the Park’s regime in Korea, 2013 to all the social service sectors including transport systems, in order to be upgraded with innovative ways utilizing ICT convergence. This policy aims to the pursuit of peoples’ happiness by creating not only the economic growth power but the job market expansion based on innovative ideas over the science and technology basis in our society. In the transportation sectors there is a few issues under discussion to be resolved that might impede the peoples’ happiness in their daily life with respect to the transport services provided, i.e. traffic congestion and traffic accidents caused by transport modes and infrastructure. A general survey in this study shows the detail of more than 50 issues to be upgraded from the transport sectors in the areas of highway, rail, aviation, and logistics. Three strategies have been demonstrated in this study by grouping the raised issues such as; (1) innovation of transportation systems, (2) improvement of transportation culture, and (3) fostering creative transport industry. The total 30 projects including 10 of each strategy were provided in this study as a preliminary policy for the creative transport services by the government. In addition, the second survey has been conducted by the designated expert group to analyze the creative service needs in the transport sectors and to select the most efficient service projects being developed and deployed within the next 3 to 5 years. Consequently, the total 18 service projects under the three strategies were summarized as a final policy to report to the government with the detail action plans including budget and administrative processes, and legislative improvement. The innovative strategy for transportation systems based on ICT convergence provided in this study will be expected as a basis for national policies in transport services compatible with the presidential paradigm of creative economy from the next year.