Global Precipitation and Thunderstorm Frequencies. Part II: Diurnal Variations

Abstract Three-hourly present weather reports from ∼15 000 stations around the globe and from the Comprehensive Ocean–Atmosphere Data Set from 1975 to 1997 were analyzed for diurnal variations in the frequency of occurrence for various types of precipitation (drizzle, nondrizzle, showery, nonshowery, and snow) and thunderstorms. Significant diurnal variations with amplitudes exceeding 20% of the daily mean are found over much of the globe, especially over land areas and during summer. Drizzle and nonshowery precipitation occur most frequently in the morning around 0600 local solar time (LST) over most land areas and from midnight to 0400 LST over many oceanic areas. Showery precipitation and thunderstorms occur much more frequently in the late afternoon than other times over most land areas in all seasons, with a diurnal amplitude exceeding 50% of the daily mean frequencies. Over the North Pacific, the North Atlantic, and many other oceanic areas adjacent to continents, showery precipitation is most frequ...

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