Design and Implementation of personalized recommendation system using Case-based Reasoning Technique
We design and implement a new case-based recommender system using implicit rating information for a digital content site. Our system consists of the User Profile Generation module, the Similarity Evaluation and Recommendation module, and the Personalized Mailing module. In the User Profile Generation Module, we define intra-attribute and inter-attribute weight deriver from own's past interests of a user stored in the access logs to extract individual preferences for a content. A new similarity function is presented in the Similarity Evaluation and Recommendation Module to estimate similarities between new items set and the user profile. The Personalized Mailing Module sends individual recommended mails that are transformed into platform-independent XML document format to users. To verify the efficiency of our system, we have performed experimental comparisons between the proposed model and the collaborative filtering technique by mean absolute error (MAE) and receiver operating characteristic (ROC) values. The results show that the proposed model is more efficient than the traditional collaborative filtering technique.