Memory Metamaterials

Tunable Metamaterials The electromagnetic response of metamaterials gives rise to exciting phenomena such as cloaking, negative refraction, and perfect lensing. Their response, however, tends to depend strongly on resonant effects, thereby limiting the application bandwidth. Driscoll et al. (p. 1518, published online 20 August) combine a split ring resonator array with the phase change material, VO2, to form a metamaterial in which the response can be tuned. The heat-induced phase change of VO2 from an insulator to a metal alters the response of split-ring resonator, and, because it displays a hysteresis, the device can retain a “memory” of the induced change. The results may lead to a flexible method for achieving metamaterials operating over a wide bandwidth and to novel switching applications. A tunable metamaterial is demonstrated that can remember its switched state. The resonant elements that grant metamaterials their distinct properties have the fundamental limitation of restricting their useable frequency bandwidth. The development of frequency-agile metamaterials has helped to alleviate these bandwidth restrictions by allowing real-time tuning of the metamaterial frequency response. We demonstrate electrically controlled persistent frequency tuning of a metamaterial, which allows the lasting modification of its response by using a transient stimulus. This work demonstrates a form of memory capacitance that interfaces metamaterials with a class of devices known collectively as memory devices.