Electromagnetic signals : reflection, focusing, distortion, and their practical applications

1 Introduction.- 1.1 Maxwell's Equations.- 1.2 Electric Monopole Currents.- 1.3 Electric Dipole Currents.- 1.4 Magnetic Dipole Currents.- 1.5 Relativistic Electric Dipole Currents.- 1.6 Relativistic Magnetic Dipole Currents.- 1.7 Electromagnetic Missiles.- 2 Reflection and Transmission of Incident Signals.- 2.1 Partial Differential Equations for Perpendicular Polarization.- 2.2 Generalization of Snell's Law for Signals.- 2.3 Reflection of a Step Wave.- 2.4 Reflection of Rectangular Pulses.- 2.5 Partial Differential Equations for Parallel Polarization.- 2.6 General Polarization of TEM Waves.- 3 Analytic Solution for Cylinder Waves.- 3.1 Cylinder Waves Excited at a Boundary.- 3.2 Magnetic Excitation of Signal Solutions.- 3.3 Associated Electric Field Strength.- 3.4 Electric Excitation Force.- 3.5 Associated Magnetic Field Strength.- 3.6 Transmission of Signals Into Medium 2.- 4 Wave Theory of Electromagnetic Missiles.- 4.1 Line Array of Radiators.- 4.2 Pulse Shape Along the Array Axis.- 4.3 Pulse Shape Perpendicular to the Array Axis.- 4.4 Effect of Pulse Duration on Pulse Shape.- 4.5 Variation of the Energy Near the Focusing Point.- 5 Signal Propagation and Detection in Lossy Media.- 5.1 Planar Wave Solution in Lossy Media.- 5.2 Signal Distortions.- 5.3 Detection of Distorted Synchronized Signals in Noise.- 5.4 Detection of Distorted Radar Signals in Noise.- 5.5 Electromagnetic Signals in Seawater.- 5.6 Distance Information from Distortions.- 5.7 Radiation of Slowly Varying EM Waves.- References and Bibliography.