Size dependence of discrete change in magnetization in single crystal of chiral magnet Cr1/3NbS2

The single crystal of a chiral magnet Cr1/3NbS2 exhibits discrete changes in magnetization (M) in response to changes in magnetic field (H) triggered by the formation of a chiral soliton lattice (CSL). In order to provide evidence of this phenomenon, the study of the size effect is indispensable. We investigated the effects of size on this phenomenon by the use of two single crystals, (A) and (B), whose crystal sizes along the c-axis were 110 μm and 60 μm, respectively. First, in (A), the large jumps of M observed in the process of decreasing H exhibited inconsistent features, whereas the largest and second-largest jumps in (B) exhibited reproducibility for both the value of H and the magnitude of the M jumps. This confirms that these large jumps do not originate from the Barkhausen effect, as this effect would result in M jumps appearing at random values of H. When the system size of a sample becomes smaller, the features of the Barkhausen effect are suppressed. Second, as for the successive jumps observ...