Far from over.
Powerful tools exist now to stop AIDS and HIV transmission, which has led to an international push to end AIDS by 2030. But not everywhere is making progress toward that ambitious goal. A unique package of graphics looks at HIV/AIDS around the world using five different metrics: How many people are living with HIV? What is the rate of new infection? What percentage of infected people are receiving antiretroviral drugs, which both stave off disease and prevent transmission? How many infected people have progressed to AIDS and how many have died from it? And how many children are infected by their mothers? By these gauges, Nigeria, Russia, and Florida stand out from their neighbors and, in some cases, the entire world. None of these three locales has high numbers on every one of these measures. But each ranks first—an unenviable distinction—in at least one of the five metrics assessed by total cases, rates, or proportions.