The Electrical power distribution system is large, complex, and integrated. Failures occur more or less frequently. The consequences of failure are high cost of maintenance, increase health, environment and safety (HES) risk, and may result an undesirable effect on the power users, etc. Therefore in order to meet the established availability goals and customers requirements, it is very important to consider the reliability and maintainability of distribution system and its components. Reliability of distribution system is greatly affected by some environmental variables such as temperature, humidity, snow, icing, birds and insect activities, etc. Furthermore, power users are located in different place with different operational environment. It is means for specific component different performance can be expected. Furthermore, in a specific location the effects of environment condition can be change during the year and need to be considered as time dependent covariates. Therefore, to establish an appropriate maintenance policies the effect of these influence factors on reliability of distribution system must be identified and quantified. In this paper the effect of operational environments and location on the reliability of electrical power distribution is investigated using proportional hazard model.
Bengt Klefsjö,et al.
Proportional hazards model: a review
M. R. Bhuiyan,et al.
Inclusion of weather effects in composite system reliability evaluation using sequential simulation
Roy Billinton,et al.
A novel method for incorporating weather effects in composite system adequacy evaluation
A. Barabadi,et al.
Application of accelerated failure model for the oil and gas industry in Arctic region
2010 IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management.
R. Billinton,et al.
Reliability Cost/Worth Assessment of Distribution Systems Incorporating Time Varying Weather Conditions and Restoration Resources
IEEE Power Engineering Review.
Tore Markeset,et al.
Maintainability analysis considering time-dependent and time-independent covariates
Reliab. Eng. Syst. Saf..
Tore Markeset,et al.
An approach for prediction of petroleum production facility performance considering Arctic influence factors
Reliab. Eng. Syst. Saf..