Evaluating the Yield of Repairable

An accurate yield evaluation is essential in selecting redundancy allocation and testing strategies for memories. Yield evaluation can resolve the many issues revolving around cost- effective built-in self-test (BIST) and automatic test equipment (ATE)-based solutions for a higher test transparency. In this paper, two yield-calculation methodologies for SRAM arrays are proposed. General yield expressions for VLSI chips are initially presented. The regular and repetitive structure of an SRAM array is exploited, and substantial yield improvements can be achieved by the introduction of redundancy. Two repair yield-evaluation methods for one-dimensional redundant memory arrays are in- troduced and compared for ATE application. The first method is based on the sum of the probabilities of all repairable fault patterns; the second method is based on Markov modeling. Using industrial data, it is shown that these methods are applicable to ATE usage under different conditions of defect rate in the possible defects. Different features of the proposed methods are discussed. Index Terms—Automatic test equipment (ATE), manufacturing, Markov modeling, redundancy, SRAM, yield.

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