MDML: The Mathdoc Digital Mathematics Library
Following the steps of previous projects such as EuDML, Mathdoc is launching its Digital Mathematics Library. Based on a reliable infrastructure made for Numdam, learning from previous projects, and relying on a network of institutions we trust, we aim to push the ball further for accessing mathematical content online. We focus for a start on the aggregation part, aiming to reach a critical mass of mathematical content by harvesting various sources: OJS instances, preprint repositories , and locals DMLs. We thus build a database of mathematical documents, linking back to the source's website for accessing content.
[1] John Ewing. Twenty centuries of mathematics : Digitazing and disseminating the past mathematical literature , 2002 .
[2] Thierry Bouche,et al. The New Numdam Platform , 2017, CICM.
[3] Stephen M. Watt,et al. The Global Digital Mathematics Library and the International Mathematical Knowledge Trust , 2017, CICM.
[4] Petr Sojka,et al. EuDML—Towards the European Digital Mathematics Library , 2010 .