Mechanical Evaluation of Concrete Containing Lightweight Aggregates

Since the invention of modern concrete, in the mid-nineteenth century until the early 80s, the concrete remained a mixture of aggregate, cement and water, with no major innovations that significantly alter the performance of its properties. But in recent decades, concrete technology has undergone tremendous development that has occurred due to the development of techniques and equipment for the study of the concrete and the use of new materials.The concrete with lightweight aggregate have been used, mainly due to the low values of density, thus demonstrating the great potential of using this material in several areas of construction [.With the objective of analyzing the influence of the consumption of cement in conventional concrete and light, were molded, tested and compared body-of-evidence containing two different values of cement consumption. The values were compared with those obtained by other researchers, as well as with the ABNT NBR 6118:2003 [ and ACI 213R-03:2003 [.