The Individuation of Events
(1) If Sebastian strolls leisurely through the streets of Bologna at time t, is his stroll the same event as his leisurely stroll through the streets of Bologna? (More generally, will the addition of adverbial modifiers to an event-designator alter its reference?) (2) If Brutus stabs and thereby kills Caesar, is his stabbing him the same event (or action) as his killing him? (More generally, if A does x by doing y, is A's doing x the same as A's doing y?) (3) If a metal ball simultaneously heats and rotates through 35 degrees, is the rotation the same event as the heating? (More generally, can two events completely occupy the same space-time zone?)
[1] D. Wiggins. Sameness and substance , 1980 .
[2] Jaegwon Kim,et al. Events and Their Descriptions: Some Considerations , 1969 .
[3] A. Goldman. Theory of Human Action , 1970 .