Rationale for research on including sustainable agriculture in the high school agricultural education curriculum

Sustainable agriculture is a global philosophy guiding the development of agricultural systems that address economic, social, and environmental issues in a multidisciplinary manner. Sustainable agriculture requires a holistic, system-oriented approach to solving problems in the food and fiber industry. Agricultural research has been targeted toward developing new technologies and practices which are economically, environmentally, and socially acceptable. Subject matter porn a multidiscipli nary perspective can be used to support decision making in the food and fiber system from production to consumption. Subject matter featuring multidiscipline knowledge facilitates holistic and integrative approaches to education. Including sustainable agriculture in the high school agricultural education curriculum would allow the agricultural education profession to become a partner in achieving the goals of a sustainable agriculture industry and at the same time enhance the scientiJic nature of the curriculum; however, research is needed to show the way. Research is needed in allfour of the scholarship.functions advanced by Boyer (1990) - discovery, integration, application, and teaching.