Abstract A finite element analysis (FEA) computer program was used to model the hydraulic characteristics and to predict the corresponding residence time distribution (RTD) curves for four full-scale ozone contactors with hydraulic capacities ranging from 14.5 to 394 m3/min (5.5 to 150 mgd). On average, model predictions for contactor efficiency (T10/HDT) were within 7.9% of actual test values. The Metropolitan Water District of Southern California (Metropolitan) is using the finite element program as a design tool to optimize the hydraulics of future ozone contactors. For one template model, results from several optimization runs are presented which confirm that T10/HDT increases with increasing depth-to-length (D/L) ratio and which indicate that by adding two features, vanes or wall foils, the T10/HDT is improved from 0.63 to 0.68 or to 0.66, respectively. Results from the template model also indicate that the T10/HDT is unchanged with the addition of a single configuration of comer fillets.
Benito Jose Marinas,et al.
Enhancement of Wastewater Disinfection Efficiency in Full-Scale Ozone Bubble-Diffuser Contactors
Frederick L. Hart,et al.
Performance of Modified Chlorine Contact Chamber
Louie Ds,et al.
Hydraulic model studies of chlorine mixing and contact chambers.
M. T. Orta de Velásquez,et al.
The Residence Time Distribution of the Liquid Phase in a Bubble Column and Its Effect on Ozone Transfer
B. Langlais,et al.
Design and efficiency of ozone contactors for disinfection