Strength-Fatigue Behavior of Fiber Reinforced Polymer Strengthened Prestressed Concrete T-Beams

Strengthening concrete girders with fiber-reinforced polymers (FRP) is becoming an increasingly common practice as more research investigations are favorably qualifying the technique. However, important behavioral aspects, such as fatigue in prestressed concrete beams, are yet to be adequately evaluated. An experimental program was conducted to test five pretensioned, prestressed concrete T beams designed for specific prestressing strand stress ranges under live-load conditions. The experimental testing consisted of precracking the beams, strengthening them with carbon FRP, and mechanically loading them to study the effect of increasing the live load on strand fatigue. The beams were either loaded monotonically to ultimate capacity or cyclically fatigued and then loaded monotonically to failure. All the beams were monotonically loaded past their cracking moment at midspan prior to strengthening, to simulate girders in the field. Beam 1 was tested as a control specimen under static loading up to failure. Beams 2 and 3 were strengthened with carbon FRP to have a design stress range of 124 MPa (18 ksi) under service load condition. Beams 4 and 5 were strengthened to have a higher stress range of 248 MPa (36 ksi). For all the strengthened beams, the failure mode observed was FRP rupture. The results favorably qualify the application of FRP strengthening to increase the live load of concrete beams prestressed with straight strands.