Sequential pattern is an important research topic in data mining and knowledge discovery. Sequential pattern is traditionally formed as (A, B) where A and B are frequent sequence in a transaction database. We extend this definition to include sequential patterns of forms (A, notB), (notA, B) and (notA, notB), which present negative sequential patterns among sequences. We call patterns of the form (A, B) positive sequential patterns, and patterns of the other forms negative patterns. Negative sequential patterns can also provide very useful insight view into the data set although they are different from positive ones. We put forward a discovery algorithm for mining negative sequential patterns from large transaction database in this paper.
David Taniar,et al.
Exception Rules Mining Based on Negative Association Rules
Ramakrishnan Srikant,et al.
Mining sequential patterns
Proceedings of the Eleventh International Conference on Data Engineering.
Gregory Piatetsky-Shapiro,et al.
Discovery, Analysis, and Presentation of Strong Rules
Knowledge Discovery in Databases.
Shamkant B. Navathe,et al.
Mining for strong negative associations in a large database of customer transactions
Proceedings 14th International Conference on Data Engineering.