Clause Organisation and Sentence Structure

This chapter is divided into two major sections. The first deals with the different types of clause: declarative (7.1), imperative (7.2), interrogative (7.3) and exclamatory (7.4). In each case the basic structure is illustrated before variant orders are presented. Although subordinate finite clauses (7.1.2) and non-finite clauses (7.1.3) are described within the section on declarative clauses, their treatment depends upon all types of main clause, though some non-finite participial clauses were dealt with under ellipsis in 6.3. The second major section deals with different types of sentence structure within and beyond the sentence (7.5). Finally, there is a brief review of some distortions in syntax (7.6). This second part has much in common with stylistics and the influence of rhetoric, though neither is tackled directly.