Biotechnology: An Illustrated Primer

Rolf Schmid studied chemistry, biochemistry and microbiology in Munich and Freiburg (Germany). After postdoctoral training in Gifsur-Yvette (France) and Austin (USA), he joined Henkel KGaA in Dusseldorf (Germany) where he worked for 15 years, eventually as Director R&D Biotechnology. In 1987, he was invited to direct the Institute for Enzyme Technology at Braunschweig Technical University and the Division of Enzyme Technology and Chemistry of Natural Products at the 'Gesellschaft für biotechnologische Forschung' (GBF) in Braunschweig (Germany). From 1993 to 2009, he was Director of the Institute for Enzyme Technology at Stuttgart University (Germany). After having obtained an MBA diploma from the University of Reutlingen in 2007, he founded the consulting agency in Stuttgart, followed in 2015 by the Steinbeis Consulting Agency