Self-Q-switched Er-Brillouin fiber source with extra-cavity generation of a Raman supercontinuum in a dispersion-shifted fiber.

Brillouin mirrors based on a single-mode optical fiber provide the simplest, completely passive, and most universal way to produce nanosecond pulses with extensive wavelength tunability. We propose an all-fiber solution, where a passively Q-switched Er-doped Briilouin fiber laser pumped by a low-power laser diode produces pulses with a peak/average power contrast of 500 W/25 mW and, in association with a conventional dispersion-shifted fiber employed as an extracavity nonlinear medium, causes the generation of a nanosecond supercontinuum extending from 900 to over 1800 nm. Expanding evolution of the spectrum kicked off by the multicascade Brillouin process is reported.