IPMC 작동기로 구동되는 초소형 비행체 날개의 공기흐름 조절용 ZNMF(zero-net-mass-flux) 펌프의 예비설계 및 해석

In this paper, a systematic design method on an IPMC(ionic polymer-metal composite)-driven ZNMF(zero-net-mass-flux) pump is introduced for the flow control of an MAV′s (micro air vehicle) wing. Since the IPMC is able to generate a large deformation under a low input voltage along with its ability to operate in air, and is easier to be manufactured in a small size, it is considered to be an ideal material of the actuating diaphragm. Through the numerical methods, an optimal shape of the IPMC diaphragm was found for maximizing the stroke volume. Based on the optimal IPMC diaphragm, a proto-type ZNMF pump with a slot, was designed. By using the flight speed of the MAV considered in this work, the driving frequencies(~ 40 ㎐) of IPMC diaphragm, and the flow velocity through the pump′s slot, the calculated non-dimensional frequency and the momentum coefficient ensure the feasibility of the designed ZNMF pump as a flow control device.