10th IEEE real-time and embedded technology and applications symposium

The 10th IEEE Real-time and embedded technology and applications symposium was held in Toronto, Canada, May 26th-28th, 2004, at Le Royal Meridien, King Edward, Toronto. This location was originally chosen for RTAS 2003. However, fears regarding the extent of the SARS epidemic in Toronto at the time caused RTAS 2003 to migrate to Washington DC, with a promise to return to Toronto on its 10th anniversary in 2004. The 10th anniversary conference introduced several important changes to the format and scope of its predecessors. The goal was to encourage a much broader participation of real-time and embedded system researchers and practitioners. Towards that end, the conference migrated from a single track to a multitrack format. Papers for each track were selected by a separate technical program committee. A balance was sought among the different topics in terms of the number and quality of submissions. The four tracks comprizing RTAS 2004 were: