The Design of the REXX Language
One way of classifying computer languages is by two classes: languages needing skilled programmers, and personal languages used by an expanding population of general users. REstructured eXtended eXecutor (REXX) is a flexible personal language designed with particular attention to feedback from its users. It has proved to be effective and easy to use, yet it is sufficiently general and powerful to fulfil the needs of many demanding professional applications. REXX is system and hardware independent, so that it has been possible to integrate it experimentally into several operating systems. Here REXX is used for such purposes as command and macro programming, prototyping, education, and personal programming. This paper introduces REXX and describes the basic design principles that were followed in developinigt.
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[5] William L. Ash. Mxec: parallel processing with an advanced macro facility , 1981, CACM.