Data engineering for creating feed tables and animal models in the tropical context

Indirect ordination (DCA) permitted six types of pasture to be described, three each in inundated and non inundated land. The carrying capacity fluctuated from 0.12 to 0.73 tropical livestock unit ha in floody channel to 1.0 in alluvial plains where the soil was fertile. The CCA analysis showed soil parameters has selected effects on patterns of distribution and productivity of pasture (Osem et al., 2004). The rate of magnesium, calcium, sand, clay, pH value and soil deep are the drivers of spatial distribution of pasture along topographic gradients. But the capacity of herbaceous biomass production of pasture is also related to soil deep, pH and the rate of silt. In the savannah zone where woody and grass coexist, the effect of woody cover on herbaceous biomass are less significant than soil properties.