Instrumented vehicles for detailed tests (deliverable D3.2.3)

The TeleFOT project constitutes the first Field Operational Tests (FOTs) for in-vehicle use of Nomadic Devices in Europe. Inside the project structure, the subproject 3 “Field Operational Tests” (SP3) objective is to design, develop and validate test communities for Field Operational Tests including both large scale and detailed trials. They cover the Northern, Central and Southern Europe. In Subproject 3, a specific activity (Work-package WP3.2) will develop the tools and technologies to enable the conduction of both Large-scale and Detailed FOTs. The objectives are “To setup, adjust and optimize the tools and technologies enabling first the conduction of the pilot tests leading to full-scale tests later on and for the evaluation of the different functions and services concerning their applicability, efficiency and impacts. These include: (i) Test vehicle concept with data logger and communication to M2M system for the tests with a great number of subjects (Large-scale tests) (ii) and the instrumented vehicles for detailed testing and (iii) the communication and data handling system (Machine-to-machine; M2M).”