Transfer entropy in magnetoencephalographic data: quantifying information flow in cortical and cerebellar networks.

The analysis of cortical and subcortical networks requires the identification of their nodes, and of the topology and dynamics of their interactions. Exploratory tools for the identification of nodes are available, e.g. magnetoencephalography (MEG) in combination with beamformer source analysis. Competing network topologies and interaction models can be investigated using dynamic causal modelling. However, we lack a method for the exploratory investigation of network topologies to choose from the very large number of possible network graphs. Ideally, this method should not require a pre-specified model of the interaction. Transfer entropy--an information theoretic implementation of Wiener-type causality--is a method for the investigation of causal interactions (or information flow) that is independent of a pre-specified interaction model. We analysed MEG data from an auditory short-term memory experiment to assess whether the reconfiguration of networks implied in this task can be detected using transfer entropy. Transfer entropy analysis of MEG source-level signals detected changes in the network between the different task types. These changes prominently involved the left temporal pole and cerebellum--structures that have previously been implied in auditory short-term or working memory. Thus, the analysis of information flow with transfer entropy at the source-level may be used to derive hypotheses for further model-based testing.

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