Erratum to: "Another modification from two papers of Ghodousian and Khorram and Khorram et al." [Appl. Math. Comput. 197 (2008) 559-565]
Iteration 5: In step 3, cells (3,2) and (3,3) are selected and f ð3Þð2Þ 1⁄4 f ð3Þð3Þ :1⁄4 3. In step 4, J3 :1⁄4 J3 f2;3g 1⁄4 f1g and I3 :1⁄4 I3 f2;3g 1⁄4 f1g. Since J3–;, so go to step 6. In step 6, since minfcix̂iji 2 I3g 1⁄4 c1x̂1 1⁄4 1:04, hence, tð3Þ 1⁄4 1; z3 :1⁄4 z3 þ c1x̂1 1⁄4 2:25þ 1:04 1⁄4 3:29 and x 1 :1⁄4 x̂1 1⁄4 0:52. In step 7, z :1⁄4minfziji 2 Ig 1⁄4 z3. Since z 1⁄4 z3, for k 1⁄4 3 1⁄4 r 1⁄4 3, hence, let temp :1⁄4 Finalðtð3ÞÞ 1⁄4 1. Go to next iteration.
[1] Esmaile Khorram,et al. Another modification from two papers of Ghodousian and Khorram and Khorram et al , 2008, Appl. Math. Comput..