Studies on beri‐beri

IN nly preliminary communication on this subject(i) I have described the separation of the crude curative, crvstalline fraction from yeast into three substances. These have now been carefully purified and investigated. This new line of investigation was then extended to rice-polishings and similar results were obtained. In the earlier paper it was suggested, that the curative power of the crude fraction might be the resultant of the individual actions of these substances. As this investigation shows this is really the case, at least two substances being necessary to effect a cure. It seems however that the action of the isolated substances is slightly diminisbed as compared with the original extract or the original crude fraction. The early work of G ryns(2 showed that the substances in question are unstable, extracts heated at 1300 completely losing their curative power. During this investigation it was observed, that the vitamines actually decompose during the fractionation and this apparently accounts for the diminished curative power of the products isolated. At present we are unable to avoid this decomposition, our methods being too rough for this purpose. A good deal of work is still required to solve the difficult chemical problem of beri-beri., It is evident that this can only be done by systematic work, and the present contribution throws some additional light on the question. The vitamine-fraction from yeast, as was stated above(l), can be obtained in the crystalline state and can be used for therapeutical purposes with very good effect. The chemical investigation of this fraction is nearly completed. It consists of three different substances, two of which seem to play a very itnportant part in the process of curing. Each of these substances has been investigated chemically and pharmacologically'. 1 Prof. C us h nfy, to whom I wish to express my best thanks, kindly performed some experiments and showed that these substances possessed no marked action on bloodpressure, respiration and heart.