Exact Results on $${\mathcal N}=2$$ Supersymmetric Gauge Theories

The following is meant to give an overview over our special volume. The first three Sects. 1–3 are intended to give a general overview over the physical motivations behind this direction of research, and some of the developments that initiated this project.

[1]  Duality in N = 2 SUSY SU(2) Yang-Mills Theory: A Pedagogical Introduction , 1996, hep-th/9601007.

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[3]  M. Aganagic,et al.  Refined Chern-Simons Theory and Topological String , 2012, 1210.2733.

[4]  J. Teschner,et al.  Irregular singularities in Liouville theory and Argyres-Douglas type gauge theories , 2012, 1203.1052.

[5]  G. Moore,et al.  Wall-crossing, Hitchin Systems, and the WKB Approximation , 2009, 0907.3987.

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[28]  Topological Strings and Integrable Hierarchies , 2003, hep-th/0312085.

[29]  N. Nekrasov,et al.  Darboux coordinates, Yang-Yang functional, and gauge theory , 2011, 1103.3919.

[30]  Introduction to seiberg-witten theory and its stringy origin , 1996, hep-th/9611190.

[31]  Geometric engineering of quantum field theories , 1996, hep-th/9609239.

[32]  G. Bonelli,et al.  Wild quiver gauge theories , 2011, 1112.1691.

[33]  A. Okounkov,et al.  Quantum Groups and Quantum Cohomology , 2012, 1211.1287.

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[36]  G. Moore,et al.  Framed BPS states , 2010, 1006.0146.

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[38]  New Phenomena in SU(3) Supersymmetric Gauge Theory , 1995, hep-th/9505062.

[39]  Special Kähler Manifolds , 1997, hep-th/9712042.

[40]  A. Zamolodchikov,et al.  Conformal bootstrap in Liouville field theory , 1995 .

[41]  Yuji Tachikawa N=2 Supersymmetric Dynamics for Pedestrians , 2013, 1312.2684.

[42]  Vasyl Alba,et al.  On Combinatorial Expansion of the Conformal Blocks Arising from AGT Conjecture , 2010, 1012.1312.

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[52]  M. Tan M-theoretic derivations of 4d-2d dualities: from a geometric Langlands duality for surfaces, to the AGT correspondence, to integrable systems , 2013, 1301.1977.

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