스포츠 브랜드 선택속성 요인과 브랜드 태도 및 충성도와의 구조관계
This study intended to examine the relationship between brand attitude and brand loyalty based on selective attributes of sport brands to present reliable data for building favorable brands. For the this study, a total of m subjects who visited brand sporting goods’s outlet stores located in P city and Y city were selected, and convenience sampling method was employed to obtain the their response. In order to attain the goal of this study, SPSS 15.0 was utilized to implement factor analysis for validity and Cronbach’s a for reliability and correlation analysis. In addition, confirmatory factor analysis was performed to evaluate the model fit of established research models by means of AMOS 5.0. Finally, path analysis was made in order to verify the established hypotheses. Results obtained from these analyses are presented below: First, an activity orientation factor did not have a statistically significant positive relationship with brand attitude. Second, a fashion orientation factor did not give statistically significant influences on brand attitudes. Third, an utility orientation factor had a statistically significant positive relationship with brand attitude. Fourth, brand attitude did not have statistically significant influences on brand loyalty.