Multi-modality 3D breast imaging with X-Ray tomosynthesis and automated ultrasound

This study evaluated the utility of 3D automated ultrasound in conjunction with 3D digital X-ray tomosynthesis for breast cancer detection and assessment, to better localize and characterize lesions in the breast. Tomosynthesis image volumes and automated ultrasound image volumes were acquired in the same geometry and in the same view for 27 patients. 3 MQSA certified radiologists independently reviewed the image volumes, visually correlating the images from the two modalities with in-house software. More sophisticated software was used on a smaller set of 10 cases, which enabled the radiologist to draw a 3D box around the suspicious lesion in one image set and isolate an anatomically correlated, similarly boxed region in the other modality image set. In the primary study, correlation was found to be moderately useful to the readers. In the additional study, using improved software, the median usefulness rating increased and confidence in localizing and identifying the suspicious mass increased in more than half the cases. As automated scanning and reading software techniques advance, superior results are expected.