Predicting reference conditions for river bioassessment by incorporating boosted trees in the environmental filters method

Abstract Contemporary bioassessment methods for water bodies require the description of “reference conditions” representing an absence or only “very minor” presence of human impacts on hydromorphological, physical and chemical properties. However, minimally disturbed reference sites are lacking in many European regions and other parts of the world because of pervasive anthropogenic influences. Here we describe the use of environmental filters modelling, incorporating boosted trees (BT), to derive reference data for abiotic variables and biological communities (diatoms and macroinvertebrates) for rivers in a highly disturbed region (Portuguese central-western lowland area), where minimally disturbed reference sites are non-existent. We also revise quality class boundaries for diatom and macroinvertebrate bioassessment in this region, and develop a new multimetric diatoms index (MDI). The new index includes not only the ‘ Indice de Polluosensibilite Specifique’ (IPS) based on species’ sensitivity to organic pollution and nutrients, but also the numbers of total and sensitive taxa. Our approach predicted significantly different communities under reference conditions from those observed, with a higher median reference number of taxa per site than the observed number (69 against 27 for diatoms; 53 against 22 for macroinvertebrates). In addition, the predicted communities for both biological groups were more similar among sites than the observed communities. Adjustment of index calculation and quality class boundaries to incorporate the new reference data resulted in more stringent site assessments that were better correlated with human pressures than assessments with previous methods. This study brings new insight to solve the problem of an absence of minimally disturbed reference sites.

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