The lineal Polarization Met hod for Corrosion Rate Measurement of Reinforcing Bar of Concrete in Sit u

A linear polarization met hod was applied to measure corrosion rate of re2 inforcing bar of concrete in sit u. Generally in t he experiment , t he area and shape of t he reinforcing bar as a working elect rode can be changed and adjusted according to our needs. But polarization area can2 not be defined when reinforcing bar is polarized in sit u , so t hat a real Rp can' t be ob2 tained. Thus t he purpose of present work is to improve t he measurement system. We used t he double- ring auxiliary elect rodes made by ourselves. The size of t he double- ring auxiliary elect rodes was adjusted repeatedly until t he real polarization area was equivalent to one of t he auxiliary elect rodes. U sing such an auxiliary elect rode to measure Rp , we obtained t he result t hat t he measurement error of Rp is about 2. 5 %. This result can meet t he need of measurement in sit u.