Advances in Intelligent Data Analysis VIII, 8th International Symposium on Intelligent Data Analysis, IDA 2009, Lyon, France, August 31 - September 2, 2009. Proceedings

Invited Papers.- Intelligent Data Analysis in the 21st Century.- Analyzing the Localization of Retail Stores with Complex Systems Tools.- Selected Contributions 1 (Long Talks).- Change (Detection) You Can Believe in: Finding Distributional Shifts in Data Streams.- Exploiting Data Missingness in Bayesian Network Modeling.- DEMScale: Large Scale MDS Accounting for a Ridge Operator and Demographic Variables.- How to Control Clustering Results? Flexible Clustering Aggregation.- Compensation of Translational Displacement in Time Series Clustering Using Cross Correlation.- Context-Based Distance Learning for Categorical Data Clustering.- Semi-supervised Text Classification Using RBF Networks.- Improving k-NN for Human Cancer Classification Using the Gene Expression Profiles.- Subgroup Discovery for Test Selection: A Novel Approach and Its Application to Breast Cancer Diagnosis.- Trajectory Voting and Classification Based on Spatiotemporal Similarity in Moving Object Databases.- Leveraging Call Center Logs for Customer Behavior Prediction.- Condensed Representation of Sequential Patterns According to Frequency-Based Measures.- ART-Based Neural Networks for Multi-label Classification.- Two-Way Grouping by One-Way Topic Models.- Selecting and Weighting Data for Building Consensus Gene Regulatory Networks.- Incremental Bayesian Network Learning for Scalable Feature Selection.- Feature Extraction and Selection from Vibration Measurements for Structural Health Monitoring.- Zero-Inflated Boosted Ensembles for Rare Event Counts.- Selected Contributions 2 (Short Talks).- Mining the Temporal Dimension of the Information Propagation.- Adaptive Learning from Evolving Data Streams.- An Application of Intelligent Data Analysis Techniques to a Large Software Engineering Dataset.- Which Distance for the Identification and the Differentiation of Cell-Cycle Expressed Genes?.- Ontology-Driven KDD Process Composition.- Mining Frequent Gradual Itemsets from Large Databases.- Selecting Computer Architectures by Means of Control-Flow-Graph Mining.- Visualization-Driven Structural and Statistical Analysis of Turbulent Flows.- Distributed Algorithm for Computing Formal Concepts Using Map-Reduce Framework.- Multi-Optimisation Consensus Clustering.- Improving Time Series Forecasting by Discovering Frequent Episodes in Sequences.- Measure of Similarity and Compactness in Competitive Space.- Bayesian Solutions to the Label Switching Problem.- Efficient Vertical Mining of Frequent Closures and Generators.- Isotonic Classification Trees.