zkCrowd: A Hybrid Blockchain-Based Crowdsourcing Platform

Blockchain, a promising decentralized para-digm, can be exploited not only to overcome the shortcomings of the traditional crowdsourcing systems, but also to bring technical innovations, such as decentralization and accountability. Nevertheless, some critical inherent limitations of blockchain have been rarely addressed in the literature when it is incorporated into crowdsourcing, which may yield the performance bottleneck in the crowdsourcing systems. To further leverage the superiority of combining blockchain and crowdsourcing, in this article, we propose an innovative hybrid blockchain crowdsourcing platform, named zkCrowd. Our zkCrowd integrates with a hybrid blockchain structure, smart contract, dual ledgers, and dual consensus protocols to secure communications, verify transactions, and preserve privacy. Both the theoretical analysis and experiments are performed to evaluate the advantages of zkCrowd over the state of the art.

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