Dirichlet Branes and Mirror Symmetry

Research in string theory over the last several decades has yielded a rich interaction with algebraic geometry. In 1985, the introduction of Calabi-Yau manifolds into physics as a way to compactify ten-dimensional space-time has led to exciting cross-fertilization between physics and mathematics, especially with the discovery of mirror symmetry in 1989. A new string revolution in the mid-1990s brought the notion of branes to the forefront. As foreseen by Kontsevich, these turned out to have mathematical counterparts in the derived category of coherent sheaves on an algebraic variety and the Fukaya category of a symplectic manifold. This has led to exciting new work, including the Strominger-Yau-Zaslow conjecture, which used the theory of branes to propose a geometric basis for mirror symmetry, the theory of stability conditions on triangulated categories, and a physical basis for the McKay correspondence. These developments have led to a great deal of new mathematical work. One difficulty in understanding all aspects of this work is that it requires being able to speak two different languages, the language of string theory and the language of algebraic geometry. The 2002 Clay School on Geometry and String Theory set out to bridge this gap, and this monograph builds on the expository lectures given there to provide an up-to-date discussion including subsequent developments. A natural sequel to the first Clay monograph on Mirror Symmetry, it presents the new ideas coming out of the interactions of string theory and algebraic geometry in a coherent logical context. We hope it will allow students and researchers who are familiar with the language of one of the two fields to gain acquaintance with the language of the other. The book first introduces the notion of Dirichlet brane in the context of topological quantum field theories, and then reviews the basics of string theory. After showing how notions of branes arose in string theory, it turns to an introduction to the algebraic geometry, sheaf theory, and homological algebra needed to define and work with derived categories. The physical existence conditions for branes are then discussed and compared in the context of mirror symmetry, culminating in Bridgeland's definition of stability structures, and its applications to the McKay correspondence and quantum geometry. The book continues with detailed treatments of the Strominger-Yau-Zaslow conjecture, Calabi-Yau metrics and homological mirror symmetry, and discusses more recent physical developments. This book is suitable for graduate students and researchers with either a physics or mathematics background, who are interested in the interface between string theory and algebraic geometry.

[1]  J. Lepowsky,et al.  Vertex Operator Algebras and the Monster , 2011 .

[2]  G. Moore,et al.  Split states, entropy enigmas, holes and halos , 2007, hep-th/0702146.

[3]  K. Hess Rational homotopy theory , 2011 .

[4]  N. Markarian The Atiyah class, Hochschild cohomology and the Riemann–Roch theorem , 2006, math/0610553.

[5]  M. Abouzaid Homological Mirror Symmetry for Toric Varieties , 2009 .

[6]  Y. Oh,et al.  Lagrangian intersection floer theory : anomaly and obstruction , 2009 .

[7]  Yan Soibelman,et al.  Stability structures, motivic Donaldson-Thomas invariants and cluster transformations , 2008, 0811.2435.

[8]  Paul Seidel,et al.  Fukaya Categories and Picard-Lefschetz Theory , 2008 .

[9]  K. Hori,et al.  D-brane categories for orientifolds—the Landau-Ginzburg case , 2006, hep-th/0606179.

[10]  Balázs Szendrői,et al.  Non-commutative Donaldson–Thomas invariants and the conifold , 2008 .

[11]  A. Nelson Dynamical Breaking of Supersymmetry , 2008 .

[12]  M. Thaddeus Toric quotients and flips , 2008 .

[13]  Richard P. Thomas,et al.  Stable pairs and BPS invariants , 2007, 0711.3899.

[14]  Jorge Vit'oria Mutations Vs. Seiberg duality , 2007, 0709.3939.

[15]  M. Gross,et al.  Mirror Symmetry via Logarithmic Degeneration Data II , 2007, 0709.2290.

[16]  M. Gross,et al.  From real affine geometry to complex geometry , 2007, math/0703822.

[17]  A. Alexeevski,et al.  Noncommutative two-dimensional topological field theories and Hurwitz numbers for real algebraic curves , 2007 .

[18]  J. Fuchs,et al.  DUALITY AND DEFECTS IN RATIONAL CONFORMAL FIELD THEORY , 2006, hep-th/0607247.

[19]  D. joyce Holomorphic generating functions for invariants counting coherent sheaves on Calabi-Yau 3-folds , 2006, hep-th/0607039.

[20]  K. Hori,et al.  Orientifolds of Gepner models , 2004, hep-th/0401137.

[21]  R. L. Karp,et al.  Numerical Calabi-Yau metrics , 2006, hep-th/0612075.

[22]  V. Ginzburg Calabi-Yau algebras , 2006, math/0612139.

[23]  Rekha R. Thomas,et al.  Moduli of McKay quiver representations II: Gröbner basis techniques , 2006, math/0611840.

[24]  R. Castaño-Bernard,et al.  Lagrangian 3-torus fibrations , 2006, math/0611139.

[25]  O. Ben-Bassat Mirror symmetry and generalized complex manifolds. Part II. Integrability and the transform for torus bundles , 2006 .

[26]  S. Nevens,et al.  Derivative corrections to the Born-Infeld action through beta-function calculations in N=2 \boundary" superspace , 2006, hep-th/0606255.

[27]  R. L. Karp,et al.  D-Brane superpotentials in Calabi-Yau orientifolds , 2006, hep-th/0606180.

[28]  J. Solomon,et al.  Intersection theory on the moduli space of holomorphic curves with Lagrangian boundary conditions , 2006, math/0606429.

[29]  E. Lupercio,et al.  Topological Quantum Field Theories, Strings, and Orbifolds , 2006, hep-th/0605255.

[30]  E. Witten,et al.  Electric-Magnetic Duality And The Geometric Langlands Program , 2006, hep-th/0604151.

[31]  O. Ben-Bassat Mirror symmetry and generalized complex manifolds: Part I. The transform on vector bundles, spinors, and branes , 2006 .

[32]  R. Bocklandt Graded Calabi Yau algebras of dimension 3 , 2006, math/0603558.

[33]  V. Pestun Topological strings in generalized complex space , 2006, hep-th/0603145.

[34]  T. Bridgeland Derived categories of coherent sheaves , 2006, math/0602129.

[35]  T. Bridgeland Stability Conditions on a Non-Compact Calabi-Yau Threefold , 2005, math/0509048.

[36]  S. Franco,et al.  Gauge theories from toric geometry and brane tilings , 2005, hep-th/0505211.

[37]  S. Yau,et al.  The Geometric Dual of a–Maximisation for Toric Sasaki–Einstein Manifolds , 2005, hep-th/0503183.

[38]  B. Kreußler,et al.  Derived categories of irreducible projective curves of arithmetic genus one , 2005, Compositio Mathematica.

[39]  Sheldon Katz,et al.  Computation of Superpotentials for D-Branes , 2004, hep-th/0412209.

[40]  F. Gmeiner,et al.  Mirror symmetry for topological sigma models with generalized Kahler geometry , 2004, hep-th/0408169.

[41]  M. Kontsevich,et al.  Affine Structures and Non-Archimedean Analytic Spaces , 2004, math/0406564.

[42]  R. Pandharipande,et al.  Gromov–Witten theory and Donaldson–Thomas theory, I , 2003, Compositio Mathematica.

[43]  Michael A. Mandell Cochains and homotopy type , 2003, math/0311016.

[44]  M. Gross,et al.  Mirror Symmetry via Logarithmic Degeneration Data I , 2003, math/0309070.

[45]  M. Flohr,et al.  Conformal Field Theory , 2006 .

[46]  Paul Seidel,et al.  On the Fukaya Categories of Higher Genus Surfaces , 2006 .

[47]  L. V. Keldysh Fourier-Mukai Transforms in Algebraic Geometry , 2006 .

[48]  Daniel Huybrechts,et al.  Fourier-Mukai transforms in algebraic geometry , 2006 .

[49]  Julia Collins,et al.  HOMOLOGICAL ALGEBRA , 2021, Lie Groups, Lie Algebras, and Cohomology. (MN-34), Volume 34.

[50]  Yi Li Anomalies and graded coisotropic branes , 2006 .

[51]  S. Donaldson Some numerical results in complex differential geometry , 2005, math/0512625.

[52]  A. Takahashi,et al.  Matrix factorizations and representations of quivers II: Type ADE case , 2005, math/0511155.

[53]  A. Takahashi Matrix Factorizations and Representations of Quivers I , 2005, math/0506347.

[54]  Rekha R. Thomas,et al.  Moduli of McKay quiver representations I: the coherent component , 2005, math/0505115.

[55]  A. Kapustin Chiral de Rham complex and the half-twisted sigma-model , 2005, hep-th/0504074.

[56]  E. Witten Two-dimensional models with (0,2) supersymmetry: perturbative aspects , 2005, hep-th/0504078.

[57]  D. joyce Configurations in abelian categories. II. Ringel–Hall algebras , 2005, math/0503029.

[58]  T. Bridgeland T-structures on some local Calabi–Yau varieties , 2005, math/0502050.

[59]  G. Hooft 50 Years of Yang-Mills Theory , 2005 .

[60]  Moduli schemes associated to -trivial threefolds as gradient schemes , 2005 .

[61]  A. Kapustin,et al.  Open String BRST Cohomology for Generalized Complex Branes , 2005, hep-th/0501071.

[62]  J. Walcher Stability of Landau-Ginzburg branes , 2004, hep-th/0412274.

[63]  J. Sparks,et al.  Toric Geometry, Sasaki–Einstein Manifolds and a New Infinite Class of AdS/CFT Duals , 2004, hep-th/0411238.

[64]  D. Shih,et al.  Minimal string theory , 2004, hep-th/0409306.

[65]  C. Lazaroiu,et al.  Localization and traces in open-closed topological Landau-Ginzburg models , 2004, hep-th/0404184.

[66]  C. Lazaroiu On the boundary coupling of topological Landau-Ginzburg models , 2003, hep-th/0312286.

[67]  R. L. Karp,et al.  Massless D-Branes on Calabi–Yau Threefolds and Monodromy , 2002, hep-th/0209161.

[68]  M. Douglas,et al.  The Spectrum of $BPS$ Branes on a Noncompact Calabi-Yau , 2000, hep-th/0003263.

[69]  R. Osserman,et al.  A Panoramic View of Riemannian Geometry. , 2005 .

[70]  Yi Li Topological sigma models and generalized geometries , 2005 .

[71]  K. Costello Topological conformal field theories and Calabi–Yau categories , 2004, math/0412149.

[72]  J. Cardy Boundary Conformal Field Theory , 2004, hep-th/0411189.

[73]  C. Vafa,et al.  Topological M-theory as unification of form theories of gravity , 2004, hep-th/0411073.

[74]  D. joyce Configurations in abelian categories. III. Stability conditions and identities , 2004, math/0410267.

[75]  D. joyce Configurations in abelian categories: IV. Invariants and changing stability conditions , 2004, math/0410268.

[76]  M. Atiyah,et al.  Twisted K-theory , 2004, math/0407054.

[77]  M. Gross Toric degenerations and Batyrev-Borisov duality , 2004, math/0406171.

[78]  A. Kapustin,et al.  On the Relation Between Open and Closed Topological Strings , 2004, hep-th/0405232.

[79]  S. Yau,et al.  Affine manifolds, SYZ geometry, and the 'Y' vertex , 2004, math/0405061.

[80]  J. Fröhlich,et al.  Kramers-wannier duality from conformal defects. , 2004, Physical review letters.

[81]  P. Aspinwall D-Branes on Calabi-Yau Manifolds , 2004, hep-th/0403166.

[82]  J. Loftin,et al.  Singular Semi-Flat Calabi-Yau Metrics on S^2 , 2004, math/0403218.

[83]  C. Lazaroiu,et al.  Superpotentials, A ∞ Relations and WDVV Equations for Open Topological Strings , 2004, hep-th/0402110.

[84]  Marco Gualtieri,et al.  Generalized Complex Geometry , 2004, University Lecture Series.

[85]  A. Kapustin Topological strings on noncommutative manifolds , 2003, hep-th/0310057.

[86]  J. Teschner On boundary perturbations in Liouville theory and brane dynamics in noncritical string theories , 2003, hep-th/0308140.

[87]  K. Hori,et al.  Orientifolds and mirror symmetry , 2003, hep-th/0303135.

[88]  D. Sullivan,et al.  Closed String Operators in Topology Leading to Lie Bialgebras and Higher String Algebra , 2002, math/0212358.

[89]  K. Hori,et al.  Notes on Orientifolds of Rational Conformal Field Theories , 2002, hep-th/0208141.

[90]  C. Callan,et al.  From the Born-Infeld Action , 2004 .

[91]  Emanuele Macrì Some examples of moduli spaces of stability conditions on derived categories , 2004 .

[92]  D. joyce Configurations in abelian categories—I: Basic properties and moduli stacks , 2003, math/0312190.

[93]  A. Kapustin,et al.  Stability Conditions For Topological D-branes: A Worldsheet Approach , 2003, hep-th/0311101.

[94]  Y. Kawamata Log Crepant Birational Maps and Derived Categories , 2003, math/0311139.

[95]  P. Seidel Homological mirror symmetry for the quartic surface , 2003, math/0310414.

[96]  A. Okounkov,et al.  Quantum Calabi-Yau and Classical Crystals , 2003, hep-th/0309208.

[97]  A. Căldăraru The Mukai pairing, II: the Hochschild-Kostant-Rosenberg isomorphism , 2003, math/0308080.

[98]  A. Căldăraru,et al.  The Mukai pairing, I: the Hochschild structure , 2003, math/0308079.

[99]  T. Bridgeland Stability conditions on $K3$ surfaces , 2003, math/0307164.

[100]  B. Feix Twistor spaces of hyperkähler manifolds with S1-actions , 2003 .

[101]  A. Kapustin,et al.  Topological Correlators in Landau-Ginzburg Models with Boundaries , 2003, hep-th/0305136.

[102]  I. Brunner,et al.  Landau-Ginzburg Realization of Open String TFT , 2003, hep-th/0305133.

[103]  J. Gauntlett Branes, Calibrations and Supergravity , 2003, hep-th/0305074.

[104]  K. Intriligator,et al.  The exact superconformal R-symmetry maximizes a , 2003, hep-th/0304128.

[105]  Ilia Zharkov Limiting behavior of local Calabi-Yau metrics , 2003, math/0304116.

[106]  M. Zabzine,et al.  Superconformal boundary conditions for the WZW model , 2003, hep-th/0304013.

[107]  G. Moore K-Theory from a physical perspective , 2003, hep-th/0304018.


[109]  D. joyce Special Lagrangian Submanifolds with Isolated Conical Singularities. III. Desingularization, The Unobstructed Case , 2003, math/0302355.

[110]  D. joyce Special Lagrangian Submanifolds with Isolated Conical Singularities. IV. Desingularization, Obstructions and Families , 2003, math/0302356.

[111]  A. Hanany,et al.  On duality walls in string theory , 2003, hep-th/0301231.

[112]  A. Kapustin,et al.  D branes in Landau-Ginzburg models and algebraic geometry , 2002, hep-th/0210296.

[113]  M. Zabzine,et al.  N = 2 boundary conditions for non-linear sigma models and Landau-Ginzburg models , 2002, hep-th/0209098.

[114]  P. Aspinwall A point's point of view of stringy geometry , 2002, hep-th/0203111.

[115]  A. Kapustin,et al.  Remarks on A-branes, mirror symmetry, and the Fukaya category , 2001, hep-th/0109098.

[116]  A. Kapustin,et al.  Vertex Algebras, Mirror Symmetry, and D-Branes: The Case of Complex Tori , 2000, hep-th/0010293.

[117]  T. Bridgeland Stability conditions on triangulated categories , 2002, math/0212237.

[118]  Richard P. Thomas Stability conditions and the braid group , 2002, math/0212214.

[119]  Alastair Craw,et al.  Flops of G-Hilb and equivalences of derived categories by variation of GIT quotient , 2002, math/0211360.

[120]  D. joyce Special Lagrangian Submanifolds with Isolated Conical Singularities. II. Moduli spaces , 2002, math/0211295.

[121]  M. Gross,et al.  Affine manifolds, log structures, and mirror symmetry , 2002, math/0211094.

[122]  Balázs Szendrői Artin group actions on derived categories of threefolds , 2002, math/0210121.

[123]  Margaret Symington Four dimensions from two in symplectic topology , 2002, math/0210033.

[124]  N. Hitchin Generalized Calabi-Yau manifolds , 2002, math/0209099.

[125]  S. Katz,et al.  D-branes, open string vertex operators, and Ext groups , 2002, hep-th/0208104.

[126]  T. Pacini Deformations of Asymptotically Conical Special Lagrangian Submanifolds , 2002, math/0207144.

[127]  M. Douglas,et al.  Seiberg Duality for Quiver Gauge Theories , 2002, hep-th/0207027.

[128]  M. Douglas,et al.  Dirichlet branes, homological mirror symmetry, and stability , 2002, math/0207021.

[129]  J. Distler,et al.  D-Brane Monodromies, Derived Categories and Boundary Linear Sigma Models , 2002, hep-th/0206242.

[130]  F. Denef Quantum quivers and Hall / hole halos , 2002, hep-th/0206072.

[131]  Jiun C. Chen Flops and Equivalences of Derived Categories for Threefolds with Only Terminal Gorenstein Singularities , 2002 .

[132]  Ilia Zharkov,et al.  Integral affine structures on spheres and torus fibrations of Calabi-Yau toric hypersurfaces II , 2002, math/0301222.

[133]  Y. Kawamata D-Equivalence and K-Equivalence , 2002, math/0205287.

[134]  D. joyce U(1)-invariant special Lagrangian 3-folds. III. Properties of singular solutions , 2002, math/0204343.

[135]  P. Wagner,et al.  General metrics of G2 holonomy and contraction limits , 2002, hep-th/0204064.

[136]  S. Yau,et al.  Duality and Fibrations on G_2 Manifolds , 2002, hep-th/0203217.

[137]  D. Tong,et al.  D-Brane probes of Special Holonomy Manifolds, and Dynamics of Script N = 1 Three-Dimensional Gauge Theories , 2002, hep-th/0202126.

[138]  David Peifer,et al.  A Geometric and Algebraic Description of Annular Braid Groups , 2002, Int. J. Algebra Comput..

[139]  A. Brandhuber G2 holonomy spaces from invariant three-forms , 2001, hep-th/0112113.

[140]  A. Swann,et al.  Cohomogeneity-one G2-structures , 2001, math/0111056.

[141]  G. Gibbons,et al.  Supersymmetric M3-branes and G2 manifolds , 2001, hep-th/0106026.

[142]  I. Nakamura,et al.  Hilbert schemes and simple singularities , 2002 .

[143]  D. Freed K-Theory in Quantum Field Theory , 2002, math-ph/0206031.

[144]  S. Yau,et al.  Categorical mirror symmetry in the elliptic curve , 2001 .

[145]  S. Yau,et al.  Special Lagrangian fibrations II: Geometry. A survey of techniques in the study of special Lagrangian fibrations , 2001 .

[146]  D. joyce U(1) -invariant special Lagrangian 3-folds. I. Nonsingular solutions , 2001, math/0111324.

[147]  D. joyce U(1)-invariant special Lagrangian 3-folds II. Existence of singular solutions , 2001, math/0111326.

[148]  D. Tsimpis,et al.  05 0 v 3 3 0 Ja n 20 02 D-brane probes on G 2 , 2022 .

[149]  Edward Goldstein Calibrated fibrations on noncompact manifolds via group actions , 2001 .

[150]  P. Aspinwall,et al.  D-brane stability and monodromy , 2001, hep-th/0110071.

[151]  J. Maldacena,et al.  D-brane charges in five-brane backgrounds , 2001, hep-th/0108152.

[152]  R. Kaufmann Orbifolding Frobenius Algebras , 2001, math/0107163.

[153]  N. Hitchin Stable forms and special metrics , 2001, math/0107101.

[154]  S. Gubser,et al.  Gauge theory at large N and new G2 holonomy metrics , 2001, hep-th/0106034.

[155]  M. Douglas,et al.  D-Branes and N=1 Supersymmetry , 2001, hep-th/0105014.

[156]  Richard P. Thomas Moment maps, monodromy and mirror manifolds , 2001, math/0104196.

[157]  Richard P. Thomas,et al.  Special Lagrangians, stable bundles and mean curvature flow , 2001, math/0104197.

[158]  A. Lawrence,et al.  Derived Categories and Zero-Brane Stability , 2001, hep-th/0104147.

[159]  R. P. Horja Derived category automorphisms from mirror symmetry , 2001, math/0103231.

[160]  Chiu-Chu Melissa Liu,et al.  Enumerative geometry of stable maps with Lagrangian boundary conditions and multiple covers of the disc , 2001, math/0103074.

[161]  E. Sharpe String orbifolds and quotient stacks , 2001, hep-th/0102211.

[162]  E. Sharpe Stacks and D-brane bundles , 2001, hep-th/0102197.

[163]  C. Lazaroiu Unitarity, D-brane dynamics and D-brane categories , 2001, hep-th/0102183.

[164]  C. Lazaroiu Generalized complexes and string field theory , 2001, hep-th/0102122.

[165]  E. Martinec,et al.  Noncommutative Solitons on Orbifolds , 2001, hep-th/0101199.

[166]  C. Lazaroiu On the structure of open-closed topological field theory in two-dimensions , 2000, hep-th/0010269.

[167]  M. Douglas,et al.  D-Branes on Calabi-Yau Manifolds , 2000, math/0009209.

[168]  E. Sharpe Recent developments in discrete torsion , 2000, hep-th/0008191.

[169]  A. Bondal,et al.  Reconstruction of a Variety from the Derived Category and Groups of Autoequivalences , 1997, Compositio Mathematica.

[170]  K. Hori Linear Models of Supersymmetric D-Branes , 2000, hep-th/0012179.

[171]  A. Kovalev Twisted connected sums and special Riemannian holonomy , 2000, math/0012189.

[172]  A. Schwarz,et al.  Introduction to M(atrix) theory and noncommutative geometry , 2000, hep-th/0107251.

[173]  M. Gross Examples of Special Lagrangian Fibrations , 2000, math/0012002.

[174]  G. Moore Some Comments on Branes, G-Flux and K-Theory , 2000, hep-th/0012007.

[175]  D. joyce Singularities of special Lagrangian fibrations and the SYZ Conjecture , 2000, math/0011179.

[176]  D. Matessi Some families of special Lagrangian tori , 2000, math/0011061.

[177]  M. Kontsevich,et al.  Homological mirror symmetry and torus fibrations , 2000, math/0011041.

[178]  M. Douglas,et al.  D-branes, categories and N=1 supersymmetry , 2000, hep-th/0011017.

[179]  Sheldon Katz,et al.  Versal deformations and superpotentials for rational curves in smooth threefolds , 2000, math/0010289.

[180]  A. Tseytlin,et al.  3-branes on resolved conifold , 2000, hep-th/0010088.

[181]  N. Leung Mirror Symmetry Without Corrections , 2000, math/0009235.

[182]  P. Aspinwall A Note on the Equivalence of Vafa's and Douglas's Picture of Discrete Torsion , 2000, hep-th/0009045.

[183]  T. Bridgeland Flops and derived categories , 2000, math/0009053.

[184]  P. Wilson,et al.  Large Complex Structure Limits of K3 Surfaces , 2000, math/0008018.

[185]  Nigel Hitchin,et al.  THE GEOMETRY OF THREE-FORMS IN SIX DIMENSIONS , 2000 .

[186]  B. Fiol,et al.  BPS states and algebras from quivers , 2000, hep-th/0006189.

[187]  S. Katz,et al.  Mirror Symmetry for Open Strings , 2000, hep-th/0006047.

[188]  C. Vafa,et al.  D-Branes And Mirror Symmetry , 2000, hep-th/0005247.

[189]  V. Schechtman,et al.  Gerbes of chiral differential operators. III , 2000, math/0005201.

[190]  J. Fuchs,et al.  Projections in string theory and boundary states for Gepner models , 2000, hep-th/0003298.

[191]  V. Schechtman,et al.  Gerbes of chiral differential operators. II , 2000, math/0003170.

[192]  M. Kreuzer,et al.  Complete classification of reflexive polyhedra in four dimensions , 2000, hep-th/0002240.

[193]  Cumrun Vafa,et al.  Mirror Symmetry , 2000, hep-th/0002222.

[194]  M. Douglas,et al.  Stability and BPS branes , 2000, hep-th/0002037.

[195]  V. Mathai,et al.  D-branes, B fields and twisted K theory , 2000, hep-th/0002023.

[196]  A. Polishchuk A∞-Structures on an Elliptic Curve , 2000, math/0001048.

[197]  Richard P. Thomas,et al.  Braid group actions on derived categories of coherent sheaves , 2000, math/0001043.

[198]  R. Thomas Derived categories for the working mathematician , 2000, math/0001045.

[199]  S. Katz,et al.  Open string instantons and superpotentials , 1999, hep-th/9912151.

[200]  J. Gomis,et al.  Fractional branes and boundary states in orbifold theories , 1999, hep-th/9906242.

[201]  M. Douglas,et al.  D-branes on the Quintic , 1999, hep-th/9906200.

[202]  V. Schechtman,et al.  Gerbes of chiral differential operators , 1999, math/9906117.

[203]  J. Maldacena,et al.  Large N Field Theories, String Theory and Gravity , 1999, hep-th/9905111.

[204]  Dominic Joyce,et al.  Compact Manifolds with Special Holonomy , 2000 .

[205]  A. Dancer,et al.  The geometry and topology of toric hyperkahler manifolds , 2000 .

[206]  G. Moore,et al.  Nonlinear instantons from supersymmetric p-branes , 1999, hep-th/9911206.

[207]  V. Turaev Homotopy field theory in dimension 2 and group-algebras , 1999, math/9910010.

[208]  A. Kapustin D-branes in a topologically nontrivial B-field , 1999, hep-th/9909089.


[210]  M. Gross Topological mirror symmetry , 1999, math/9909015.

[211]  E. Witten,et al.  String theory and noncommutative geometry , 1999, hep-th/9908142.

[212]  A. Tseytlin Born-Infeld action, supersymmetry and string theory , 1999, hep-th/9908105.

[213]  Miles Reid,et al.  Mukai implies McKay: the McKay correspondence as an equivalence of derived categories , 1999, math/9908027.

[214]  J. Zuber,et al.  Boundary conditions in rational conformal field theories , 1999, hep-th/9908036.

[215]  Pierre Deligne,et al.  Quantum Fields and Strings: A Course for Mathematicians , 1999 .

[216]  N. Hitchin Lectures on Special Lagrangian Submanifolds , 1999, math/9907034.

[217]  D. Freed,et al.  Anomalies in string theory with D-branes , 1999, hep-th/9907189.

[218]  E. Elizalde On the concept of determinant for the differential operators of quantum physics , 1999, hep-th/9906229.


[220]  D. joyce Quasi-ALE Metrics with Holonomy SU(m) and Sp(m) , 1999, math/9905043.

[221]  D. joyce Asymptotically Locally Euclidean Metrics with Holonomy SU(m) , 1999, math/9905041.

[222]  D. Freed Five Lectures on Supersymmetry , 1999 .

[223]  Paul Seidel,et al.  Graded Lagrangian submanifolds , 1999, math/9903049.

[224]  Richard P. Thomas An obstructed bundle on a Calabi-Yau 3-fold , 1999, math/9903034.

[225]  O. Baues Gluing Affine 2-Manifolds with Polygons , 1999 .

[226]  E. Sharpe D-branes, derived categories, and Grothendieck groups , 1999, hep-th/9902116.

[227]  R. Bryant Some examples of special Lagrangian Tori , 1999, math/9902076.

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