A Brief Survey of Related Work
[1] Tevfik Bultan,et al. Semantic differential repair for input validation and sanitization , 2014, ISSTA 2014.
[2] Benjamin Livshits,et al. GATEKEEPER: Mostly Static Enforcement of Security and Reliability Policies for JavaScript Code , 2009, USENIX Security Symposium.
[3] Michael Rodeh,et al. CSSV: towards a realistic tool for statically detecting all buffer overflows in C , 2003, PLDI '03.
[4] Julia L. Lawall,et al. Generic Patch Inference , 2008, ASE.
[5] C. A. R. Hoare,et al. Differential static analysis: opportunities, applications, and challenges , 2010, FoSER '10.
[6] Xiangyu Zhang,et al. Z3-str: a z3-based string solver for web application analysis , 2013, ESEC/FSE 2013.
[7] Tevfik Bultan,et al. Automata-Based Model Counting for String Constraints , 2015, CAV.
[8] Lauri Karttunen,et al. The Replace Operator , 1995, ACL.
[9] D. Shannon,et al. Abstracting Symbolic Execution with String Analysis , 2007, Testing: Academic and Industrial Conference Practice and Research Techniques - MUTATION (TAICPART-MUTATION 2007).
[10] Shriram Krishnamurthi,et al. Using static analysis for Ajax intrusion detection , 2009, WWW '09.
[11] Vitaly Shmatikov,et al. Fix Me Up: Repairing Access-Control Bugs in Web Applications , 2013, NDSS.
[12] Fang Yu,et al. Generating Vulnerability Signatures for String Manipulating Programs Using Automata-Based Forward and Backward Symbolic Analyses , 2009, 2009 IEEE/ACM International Conference on Automated Software Engineering.
[13] Margus Veanes,et al. Rex: Symbolic Regular Expression Explorer , 2010, 2010 Third International Conference on Software Testing, Verification and Validation.
[14] Christopher Krügel,et al. Pixy: a static analysis tool for detecting Web application vulnerabilities , 2006, 2006 IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy (S&P'06).
[15] Hiroshi Inamura,et al. JavaScript Instrumentation in Practice , 2008, APLAS.
[16] Armando Solar-Lezama,et al. Word Equations with Length Constraints: What's Decidable? , 2012, Haifa Verification Conference.
[17] Michael D. Ernst,et al. HAMPI: a solver for string constraints , 2009, ISSTA.
[18] Vinod Ganapathy,et al. Analyzing Information Flow in JavaScript-Based Browser Extensions , 2009, 2009 Annual Computer Security Applications Conference.
[19] Aske Simon Christensen,et al. Precise Analysis of String Expressions , 2003, SAS.
[20] Kyung-Goo Doh,et al. A Practical String Analyzer by the Widening Approach , 2006, APLAS.
[21] Gertjan van Noord,et al. An Extendible Regular Expression Compiler for Finite-State Approaches in Natural Language Processing , 1999, WIA.
[22] Shriram Krishnamurthi,et al. The Essence of JavaScript , 2010, ECOOP.
[23] V. N. Venkatakrishnan,et al. WAPTEC: whitebox analysis of web applications for parameter tampering exploit construction , 2011, CCS '11.
[24] Benjamin Livshits,et al. Fast and Precise Sanitizer Analysis with BEK , 2011, USENIX Security Symposium.
[25] Matthew B. Dwyer,et al. Differential symbolic execution , 2008, SIGSOFT '08/FSE-16.
[26] Bor-Yuh Evan Chang,et al. Boogie: A Modular Reusable Verifier for Object-Oriented Programs , 2005, FMCO.
[27] Magnus Madsen,et al. Modeling the HTML DOM and browser API in static analysis of JavaScript web applications , 2011, ESEC/FSE '11.
[28] Mihai Christodorescu,et al. String analysis for x86 binaries , 2005, PASTE '05.
[29] Claire Le Goues,et al. Automatic program repair with evolutionary computation , 2010, Commun. ACM.
[30] Nils Klarlund,et al. Mona: Monadic Second-Order Logic in Practice , 1995, TACAS.
[31] Yasuhiko Minamide,et al. Static approximation of dynamically generated Web pages , 2005, WWW '05.
[32] Thorsten Holz,et al. Simulation of Built-in PHP Features for Precise Static Code Analysis , 2014, NDSS.
[33] Marco Pistoia,et al. Path- and index-sensitive string analysis based on monadic second-order logic , 2011, ISSTA '11.
[34] Alessandro Orso,et al. ViewPoints: differential string analysis for discovering client- and server-side input validation inconsistencies , 2012, ISSTA 2012.
[35] Nikolaj Bjørner,et al. Symbolic finite state transducers: algorithms and applications , 2012, POPL '12.
[36] Fang Yu,et al. Stranger: An Automata-Based String Analysis Tool for PHP , 2010, TACAS.
[37] Zhendong Su,et al. Sound and precise analysis of web applications for injection vulnerabilities , 2007, PLDI '07.
[38] Cesare Tinelli,et al. A DPLL(T) Theory Solver for a Theory of Strings and Regular Expressions , 2014, CAV.
[39] Steve Hanna,et al. FLAX: Systematic Discovery of Client-side Validation Vulnerabilities in Rich Web Applications , 2010, NDSS.
[40] Vitaly Shmatikov,et al. RoleCast: finding missing security checks when you do not know what checks are , 2011, OOPSLA '11.
[41] Hiroshi Inamura,et al. Dynamic test input generation for web applications , 2008, ISSTA '08.
[42] Nikolai Tillmann,et al. MiTV: multiple-implementation testing of user-input validators for web applications , 2010, ASE '10.
[43] Ben Hardekopf,et al. Type refinement for static analysis of JavaScript , 2013, DLS '13.
[44] Joxan Jaffar,et al. S3: A Symbolic String Solver for Vulnerability Detection in Web Applications , 2014, CCS.
[45] Parosh Aziz Abdulla,et al. Norn: An SMT Solver for String Constraints , 2015, CAV.
[46] Oscar H. Ibarra,et al. Symbolic String Verification: Combining String Analysis and Size Analysis , 2009, TACAS.
[47] V. N. Venkatakrishnan,et al. NoTamper: automatic blackbox detection of parameter tampering opportunities in web applications , 2010, CCS '10.
[48] Premkumar T. Devanbu,et al. Static checking of dynamically generated queries in database applications , 2004, Proceedings. 26th International Conference on Software Engineering.
[49] Sorin Lerner,et al. Staged information flow for javascript , 2009, PLDI '09.
[50] Somesh Jha,et al. Buffer overrun detection using linear programming and static analysis , 2003, CCS '03.
[51] Peter Thiemann,et al. Type Analysis for JavaScript , 2009, SAS.
[52] Christopher Krügel,et al. Saner: Composing Static and Dynamic Analysis to Validate Sanitization in Web Applications , 2008, 2008 IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy (sp 2008).
[53] Fang Yu,et al. Patching vulnerabilities with sanitization synthesis , 2011, 2011 33rd International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE).
[54] Loris D'Antoni,et al. Minimization of symbolic automata , 2014, POPL.
[55] Shuvendu K. Lahiri,et al. SYMDIFF: A Language-Agnostic Semantic Diff Tool for Imperative Programs , 2012, CAV.
[56] Shweta Shinde,et al. A model counter for constraints over unbounded strings , 2014, PLDI.
[57] Zhendong Su,et al. Static detection of cross-site scripting vulnerabilities , 2008, 2008 ACM/IEEE 30th International Conference on Software Engineering.
[58] Westley Weimer,et al. A decision procedure for subset constraints over regular languages , 2009, PLDI '09.
[59] Viktor Kuncak,et al. Phantm: PHP analyzer for type mismatch , 2010, FSE '10.
[60] David A. Wagner,et al. A First Step Towards Automated Detection of Buffer Overrun Vulnerabilities , 2000, NDSS.
[61] Gertjan van Noord,et al. Transducers from Rewrite Rules with Backreferences , 1999, EACL.
[62] Loris D'Antoni,et al. Static Analysis of String Encoders and Decoders , 2013, VMCAI.
[63] Oscar H. Ibarra,et al. Automata-based symbolic string analysis for vulnerability detection , 2014, Formal Methods Syst. Des..
[64] Nikolaj Bjørner,et al. Symbolic Automata: The Toolkit , 2012, TACAS.
[65] Christian Kirkegaard,et al. Static analysis of XML transformations in Java , 2003, IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering.
[66] Koushik Sen,et al. CUTE: a concolic unit testing engine for C , 2005, ESEC/FSE-13.
[67] Nikolaj Bjørner,et al. Path Feasibility Analysis for String-Manipulating Programs , 2009, TACAS.
[68] Margus Veanes. Symbolic String Transformations with Regular Lookahead and Rollback , 2014, Ershov Memorial Conference.
[69] Xiang Fu,et al. A Static Analysis Framework For Detecting SQL Injection Vulnerabilities , 2007, 31st Annual International Computer Software and Applications Conference (COMPSAC 2007).
[70] Steve Hanna,et al. A Symbolic Execution Framework for JavaScript , 2010, 2010 IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy.
[71] Claire Le Goues,et al. Automatically finding patches using genetic programming , 2009, 2009 IEEE 31st International Conference on Software Engineering.
[72] Marco Pistoia,et al. Saving the world wide web from vulnerable JavaScript , 2011, ISSTA '11.
[73] Alexander Aiken,et al. Static Detection of Security Vulnerabilities in Scripting Languages , 2006, USENIX Security Symposium.
[74] Frank Tip,et al. Automated repair of HTML generation errors in PHP applications using string constraint solving , 2012, 2012 34th International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE).
[75] Jan Vitek,et al. An analysis of the dynamic behavior of JavaScript programs , 2010, PLDI '10.
[76] Guodong Li,et al. PASS: String Solving with Parameterized Array and Interval Automaton , 2013, Haifa Verification Conference.
[77] Sophia Drossopoulou,et al. Towards Type Inference for JavaScript , 2005, ECOOP.
[78] Oscar H. Ibarra,et al. Relational String Verification Using Multi-Track Automata , 2011, Int. J. Found. Comput. Sci..
[79] Benjamin Livshits,et al. Towards fully automatic placement of security sanitizers and declassifiers , 2013, POPL 2013.
[80] Richard Sproat,et al. An Efficient Compiler for Weighted Rewrite Rules , 1996, ACL.
[81] Parosh Aziz Abdulla,et al. String Constraints for Verification , 2014, CAV.
[82] Oscar H. Ibarra,et al. Symbolic String Verification: An Automata-Based Approach , 2008, SPIN.
[83] Alessandro Orso,et al. AMNESIA: analysis and monitoring for NEutralizing SQL-injection attacks , 2005, ASE.
[84] Tevfik Bultan,et al. Verifying client-side input validation functions using string analysis , 2012, 2012 34th International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE).
[85] Westley Weimer,et al. Solving string constraints lazily , 2010, ASE.
[86] Loris D'Antoni,et al. Equivalence of Extended Symbolic Finite Transducers , 2013, CAV.
[87] Frank Tip,et al. Finding Bugs in Web Applications Using Dynamic Test Generation and Explicit-State Model Checking , 2010, IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering.
[88] Nikolaj Bjørner,et al. Symbolic Automata Constraint Solving , 2010, LPAR.
[89] Dawei Qi,et al. SemFix: Program repair via semantic analysis , 2013, 2013 35th International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE).