IFM '99 : proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Integrated Formal Methods, York, 28-29 June 1999

Invited Talks.- A Common Framework for Mixed Hardware/Software Systems.- Proof Systems for Message-Passing Process Calculi (abstract only).- Z/Object-Z + CSP + Real Time.- RT-Z : An Integration of Z and timed CSP.- Towards Real-Time Object-Z.- Overview of the Semantics of TCOZ.- Temporal Logic.- Modular Verification of Dynamic Properties for Reactive Systems.- Modular Formal Specification of Data and Behaviour.- Integration Problems in Telephone Feature Requirements.- Z/Object Z + Behaviour 1.- The Refinement of Event Calculus Models.- Modelling Discrete Behaviour in a Continuous-Time Formalism.- An Object Semantic Model of SOFL.- State Charts.- A Modular Framework for the Integration of Heterogeneous Notations and Tools.- An Approach to the Combination of Formal Description Techniques:State charts and TLA.- Semantic Models & Refinement.- A Compositional Comparison of Specifications of the Alternating Bit Protocol in CCS and UNITY Based on Algebra Transformation Systems.- On the Refmement and Simulation of Data Types and Processes.- Specifying Component and Context Specification Using Promotion.- Z/Object Z + Behaviour 2.- Model-Checking CSP-OZ Specifications with FDR.- Specifying Interactive Systems in Object-Z and CSP.- Specification and Refinement using a Heterogeneous Notation for Concurrency and Communication.- (Abstract + Action) Systems.- Deductive Reasoning versus Model Checking: Two Formal Approaches for System Development.- Requirements for a Temporal B - Assigning Temporal Meaning to Abstract Machines ... and to Abstract Systems.- Reactive System Refinement of Distributed Systems in B.- The B Method: Behaviour and Retrenchment.- Using a Process Algebra to Control B OPERATIONS.- Retrenchment and Punctured Simulation.- Author Index.