차세대 고속철도 최고속도 시험을 위한 전차선 장력 증가 시 전차선 Geometry 변화 검토
In the testing stage of HEMU-400X(next Korean high speed train), maximum speed(400 ㎞/h) tests will be conducted. On considering the condition of the overhead contact lines of the test tracks, it looks obvious that 400㎞/h is over the design speed criteria. For breaking through this incompatibility, the tension of contact wire seems necessary to be increased during the test runs. When the contact wire tension is changed, the contact wire vertical plane geometry will be changed. This geometry change may effect the current collection performance. In this paper, we calculate the geometry change amount of the contact wire in terms of the dropper lengths in ordinary spans. and also review how much the changed will be effect the performance of the current collection of 400㎞/h test runs.