An Object-Based Design Method for Concurrent Programs

The property of a (formal) development method which gives the development process the potential for productivity is compositionality. Interference is what makes it difficult to find compositional development methods for concurrent systems. This paper is intended to contribute to tractable development methods for concurrent programs. In particular it explores ways in which object-based language concepts can be used to provide a compositional development method for concurrent programs. This text summarizes results from three draft papers. It firstly shows how object-based concepts can be used to provide a designer with control over interference and proposes a transformational style of development (for systems with limited interference) in which concurrency is introduced only in the final stages of design. The essential idea here is to show that certain object graphs limit interference. Secondly, the paper shows how a suitable logic can be used to reason about those systems where interference plays an essential role. Here again, concepts are used in the design notation which are taken from object-oriented languages since they offer control of granularity and way of pinpointing interference. Thirdly, the paper outlines the semantics of the design notation mapping its constructs to Milner’s π-calculus. ∗Copyright 1992. All rights reserved. Reproduction of all or part of this work is permitted for educational or research purposes on condition that (1) this copyright notice is included, (2) proper attribution to the author or authors is made and (3) no commercial gain is involved. Technical Reports issued by the Department of Computer Science, Manchester University, are available by anonymous ftp from ( in the directory /pub/TR. The files are stored as PostScript, in compressed form, with the report number as filename. Alternatively, reports are available by post from The Computer Library, Department of Computer Science, The University, Oxford Road, Manchester M13 9PL, U.K.

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