[기획연구] 정전협정체제에 관한 연구-기능 정상화 및 실용성 확보 방안을 중심으로-

Now it can be said the Korean Armistice Regime is nearly nullified because its function is as a whole suspended. But the Korean Armistice Agreement of 1953 is up to now in effect and legally binding upon the contracting parties until it is replaced or superseded by a new agreement in due course. Thus, it is not proper in view of our national security policy that ROK itself should disregard the Korean Armistice Agreement under the present circumstances where a new solid peace regime is not permanently established on the Korean Peninsula. Instead, we had better make every effort to normalize and revitalize the existing Korean Armistice Agreement by revising or supplementing it partly as far as we can. It's because there is no other way of handling armed clashes or unexpected military crisis between South and North korea if Korea terminates the Korean Armistice Agreement. As a result of comprehensive study on the Korean Armistice Regime, I would make some proposals for the purpose of partial normalization of the Korean Armistice Agreement. First, we should continually hold a general-officer level talks between the United Nations Command(UNC) and the North Korean Army for the moment and rehabilitate the Military Armistice Commission(MAC) on the basis of such experience step by step. We should also normalize the Neutral Nations Supervisory Commission(NNSC) by conferring it such functions as observation of Korean-American joint military exercise or challenge inspection of arms or personnel reduction in the Joint Security Area(JSA) and etc. Second, the MAC could initiate inter-Korean military confidence building and security measures, if necessary, by supplementing the agreement. Such measures may include recovery of the prototype of the Korean DMZ, taking of tension-mitigating measures in the DMZ, some possible demilitarization and peaceful utilization of the DMZ, the operating of common monitoring or surveillance system, mutual communications of main military exercises and the like, with the intention of activating its buffer zone's functions or making peaceful atmosphere on the Korean Peninsula. Third, the MAC could work out and implement various measures to mitigate inter-Korean military tension on the Yellow Sea in a way harmonious with the framework of the Korean Armistice Agreement.