On-line grading system by mobile camera phone

The present invention classifies the test paper taken by a digital camera of the mobile camera phone, an examinee is in possession by the test answers, through mobile Internet transmission to the line marking the server, and by scoring it back to the mobile Internet to the data according to the result as through on the system and the method of transmitting to a mobile camera phone of the examinee, the present invention transfer to the online scoring server in the mobile phone of the examinees taking a test strip on the mobile phone and sends after this by dividing the images by problems answer area for this purpose process, transmit, if the received image information processing and storage process in the online grading server part that stores classified as a question type, and update each answer image data stored in the online grading server process of self-graded through video analysis of the open-ended If a large number of servers scorers Access to the results divided into the transmission process of transmitting the data according to the scoring process, and results after analyzing the scoring results from an online server in scoring Scoring client that allows you to re-grade the mobile phone of the examinees. Examinee through the present invention, anytime and anywhere, enables Examination using a mobile camera phone after the written test and has the advantage that incorrect notes or to read the test result analysis data in the mobile phone according to the test results, a plurality of scorers has the advantage that it can be made by a professional grading repeat only the image of a large number of test answer sheets without confirmation of human information for each item on the examinee, preventing fraud or scoring errors due to the examinees papers who associated with conventional written examination. Also it has the advantage that can handle the national ranking was possible only through large-scale test of previous tests or online, OMR card identification, or comparison with previous grades in real time through open-ended inputs available plain papers written answers. In addition, the image data of the answer papers are stored on the server, so have online scoring a reputable source, such as the storage of conventional test strips, which can be controlled via the source of the paper. Mobile camera phones, Online Scoring Server, scoring a client, mobile Internet, the answer Recording correction area