In the current IoT (Internet of Things) environment, more and more Things: devices, objects, sensors, and everyday items not usually considered computers, are connected to the Internet, and these Things affect and change our social life and economic activities. By using IoTs, service providers can collect and store personal information in the real world, and such providers can gain access to detailed behaviors of the user. Although service providers offer users new services and numerous benefits using their detailed information, most users have concerns about the privacy and security of their personal data. Thus, service providers need to take countermeasures to eliminate those concerns. To help eliminate those concerns, first we conduct a survey regarding users’ privacy and security concerns about IoT services, and then we analyze data collected from the survey using structural equation modeling (SEM). Analysis of the results provide answers to issues of privacy and security concerns to service providers and their users. And we also analyze the effectiveness and effects of personal information management and protection functions in IoT services. key words: IoT (Internet of Things), privacy, security, SEM (Structural Equation Modeling)
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