Development of laser-produced plasma-based EUV light source technology for HVM EUV lithography

Since 2002, we have been developing a CO2-Sn-LPP EUV light source, which is the most promising solution as the 13.5 nm high power (>200 W) light source for HVM EUVL for its high efficiency, power scalability, and spatial freedom around plasma. We believe that the CO2-Sn-LPP scheme is the most feasible candidate for the EUV light source for HVM. We have several engineering data from our test tools, which include: the maximum of 3.8 % CE, the maximum of 2.5 mJ pulse energy, 93 % Sn ionization rate, 98 % Sn debris mitigation by a magnetic field, and 68 % CO2 laser energy absorption rate. Based on these data we are developing our first light source for HVM: "GL200E." The latest data and the overview of EUV light source for the HVM EUVL are reviewed in this paper. Part of this work was supported by the New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization (NEDO).